The Streamer List

Streamers & Bucktails: The Big Fish Flies

Welcome to The Streamer List - A network dedicated to tying, fishing & history of streamers & bucktails.


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UFT Monthly Meeting

Started by Scott Bernard in Streamer & Bucktail Discussion. Last reply by Scott Bernard Jul 11. 2 Replies

I was wondering if anyone here attends UFT Meetings in the winter?  It's an hour drive for me but I was thinking about joining.  Continue

Streamerlist support

Started by Petr Haisman in Streamer & Bucktail Discussion. Last reply by Petr Haisman Oct 31, 2023. 4 Replies

Hi all the fly tyers, Is it possible to support streamerlist by buying some book or some fly fishing cap for example?Thanks, PetrContinue

Duane Vigue

Started by Royce Stearns in Streamer & Bucktail Discussion. Last reply by Chris Del Plato Aug 6, 2023. 5 Replies

Is Duane Vigue of Vigs Big Flies still tying streamers?Continue


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